Thursday 30 May 2013

Alex's impression

Today we went on a beautiful cycle ride along the water front in Cambrils in Spain. We also went to a Roman Aquaduct near Tarragonna. It was built with out any cement. The stones were cut so precisely  so the stones would stay up. We also went to a Roman Circus, this is where they held chariot races which were like the Grand Prix 2000 years ago. There were cool tunnels under the tracks which we ran in.
I'm really missing all my friends in 3/4C and Jaqui
From Alex!

P.S Can 3/4C Please leave a comment
PP.S Code Time What number is this !#%@$


  1. hi alex, the bike ride looks beautiful and thanks for the interesting info about the aqueduct - it's amazing what people can do without cement! miss you and looking forward to more stories
    sofia, emma, rodrigo and helen x

  2. Hi Alex,
    we love this photo of you! Did you enjoy riding your bike?
    Our guess for the code is 3524 (Jacqui couldn't work it out ;)
    We wish (especially Jacqui) we could come riding with you where the sun is shining and the water is sparkling.
    We have just learnt what an aquaduct is!
    Love 3/4C


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