Thursday 30 May 2013

Sledging in the Sierra Nevada!!

Went on a drive up into the mountains today, up incredible roads clinging to the sides of the mountains with more hairpin bends than you can shake a stick at.
There were incredible view over the valley and surrounding peaks. We drove up a bit further and who would have thought it but ended up in the snow with a bunch of kids skiing ad sledging. Despite completely inadequate attire (sundresses and crocs) we hired a sledge and off we went! Remarkably good fun despite very cold feet!!
Charlie and Alex 

Panorama looking down over the valley

Mum and Alex get some air!

1 comment:

  1. Alex you must have been cold in the snow with only summer clothes. Did you have snowball fights?
    Have fun however make sure you don't get frostbite!
    Love 3/4C


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