Friday 10 May 2013

Dreaming of Africa

When I was 21 I hitchhiked around Africa. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Friends at University had told me to get two things an SLR camera and a guide book. So I purchased an ancient East German Practica camera and Africa on a Shoestring. Here I am 22 years later travelling round Europe with Sarah and three kids. The caravan is a luxury world away from the dodgy places I use to stay in Africa.But being so close to Africa I am really tempted to continue travelling another few km’s south and return to Africa.

But common sense and Sarah have said no… Travel, caravan and car insurance all stop at the boundaries of Europe and travel would be much more arduous in North Africa. Maybe when the kids are older! Until then I’ll stare across the straights of Gibraltar and be sensible. It does not stop the guys from Latitude Adventure though!
Landy on route to Africa via Spain

first camera

1 comment:

  1. We just learnt about old cameras and how they take these funny things called 'films' ;) 3/4C


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